Wednesday 17 August 2011

Makeup remover pens

Shit happens.
Stockings tear, nail polish flakes off, those gorgeous shoes you bought for a song last week have heels that snap off while your walking up stairs, mascara runs, and lipstick bleeds.
But at least there is a convenient pocket sized cure for those last two.
On the spot make up removing pens come from a variety of why-didn't-someone-think-of-this-earlier products that are making our lives easier. I apply my mascara last, after my eyeshadow, after my base, absolutely last. If I sneeze it's a disaster. Also a problem is summer, when your makeup starts sliding down your face no matter what primers and defences you try. Sometimes you just need a fix it before you go for after work drinks.
When I bought B Collection  by Bloom Magic Wand there was no longer a problem, Precision makeup removal so you don't need to wash your entire eye off, and with much more accuracy then a Q-tip.

Check out the line online here or at selected Target stores

Another product new to the market is De-coy Panda Pen. Tough on makeup, gentle on skin, does not leave an oily residue and does not use any animal derived products. I haven't had the chance to check it out yet, so if you have please let me know what you think!

Panda Pen by De-Coy

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