Sunday 21 August 2011

Loving this week: LWB Life with Bird Classics, Cotton on Body and Antipodium x Sportsgirl

I've had a soft spot for Life with Bird for a long time but even at sample sales I still haven't been able to afford anything! Mind you, the last time I went to one that had anything by them I was a struggling student living on a mere $300, and had no credit card to speak of.
I'm admiring their classic range at the moment. They're perfect for layering with the flowy shapes and tights that I'm seeing everywhere in the upcoming season. In particular I want this Sleeveless Shirt Dress, I'd belt it and wear it, need to look like I have some shape after all.

Sleeveless Shirt Dress by LWB Life With Bird Classics

I'm sure I've mentioned before my dislike for Cotton On, but I still shop at some of their stores, if there's a flash in the pan shoes trend I see no point in spending $300 on a pair of shoes that will only be in and last for one season. But we're not talking shoes today.
What I am talking about are the awesome superhero knickers at Cotton On Body. They are so comfy! The size large, actually fits a size large and the VPL doesn't dig in as much as they can. Particularly cute to wear on sleepovers with the boy.
These ones in particular are from previous seasons, but they give you the idea, also at the moment, Cotton On Body are giving you 5 pairs of knickers for $30, more then 40% off if you get the pricier pairs. I think it may be only instore though.

Superhero boylegs (and bras) available at Cotton on Body, seemingly in store only.

One store that does Collaborations incredibly well are Sportsgirl, and in September they are going to release their newest with Antipodium. Called Field Days it is inspired by the music festival that occurs yearly near Antipdium headquarters in England. I'm expecting some pieces perfect for the weekend, and our upcoming festivals too.

Antipodium at Sportsgirl, rumoured to be dropping on the 7th of September.

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