Monday 19 September 2011

Bought! Cotton on Body

I'll admit I've been having a cheap fortnight, moving house has rendered me rather broke  (yet I still found the money to get my hair done ... Yes I do have f'cked priorities....)
But I'm also finding cheap can be chic again, and a lot of cheap has lifted its game. So long as you generally avoid jersey and lace.
Cotton on body has these amazingly flattering and comfy workout singlets at the moment,  Remembering that their sizes do run a little small compared to most out there. They're 2 for $30 in store, but $15 each online (go figure). I picked up this one, and another that states 'Treadmills get you nowhere' I do like a cute slogan top .. but it has to make me giggle.

Indeed it does Cotton on Body!

Also picked up some light cotton PJ pants, it's hard to see in the picture but they have a cute pair of owls print all over. Living with more people then my boyfriend has reminded me that clothing isn't optional in many houses. Mind you I just realised I had a conversation with my housemate in little more then knickers and the above tank top ... Oh I'm classy. But yes the pants. Comfy, light, will see me through Spring until it gets too hot.

PJ Pants by Cotton on Body

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