Thursday 22 September 2011

So Balayage?

I haven't had the time to talk to guys through my new hair. This is ecxiting for me because as I previously mentioned I have never done something like this to my hair before. when I was growing up, we were quite poor, and even a yearly trip to just cuts was a treat because it meant mum wasn't cutting our hair herself! Because of this mentality in my family I did grow up rather frugally, it wasn't until I was in my twenties that I got my first professional wax jobs. Even nowdays most of the time you will still find me in some sort of pretzal position in the bathroom doing the backs of my legs! You know, spending $60 on your own wax pot that you can use for ages just makes ten times more sense to me.
Either way, ranting.
So the procedure my hairdresser did to me was a halo of foils, followed by a dark blond toner. She and I had a chat beforehand and since I was a bit nervous she suggested we didn't go as extreme as the picture I brought in.
Probably about half my hair was bleached, as the toner fades it will lighten and I can have a lighter tone next time.
All in all, I spent 3.5 hours in the chair, but that also included an hour or so of styling, Lisa was keen to get some curl in my hair for my date that night and the blow wave just didn't do the trick.
Would I do it again? Oh my yes. But next time, I think I will get more hair bleached.

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