Sunday 23 October 2011

Book Review: Minxy Vintage by Kelly Doust

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Kelly Doust, and she is every bit as lovely as you'd hope she'd be in real life. She has been doing the rounds lately signing copies of her latest book Minxy Vintage and yesterday I bought and had my copy signed. <3
The book itself is awesome, brimming with ideas on how to restore and transform items you would see in a thrift or vintage shop. Items that a less discerning eye would pass up she takes and applies a few tricks and ideas to make them into something totally wearable and completely unique.
It was also quite a long read, not something you could pick up and chew through in an afternoon, this is a great thing to me, as not only is it a very pretty book, it's full of care tips for all of the items in your wardrobe.
Kelly takes your hand and walks you through various items she has transformed in her wardrobe, using different techniques such as dying, and embellishing to create new items. One of my personal favourites featured being the union jack denim jacket, I would steal it if I could.
Now if only the thrift stores were open on a Sunday, I want to go shopping!

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