Wednesday 18 January 2012

Loving this week: Lip Smackers Soda-Pop Caps.

So put up your hands if you didn't have a Bonne Belle Lip Smackers tube (or 7!) rolling around in your back pack and pencil case when you were at school? I'm guessing there aren't many hands that aren't in the air, everyone had them! And they were awesome, a nice little prelude into make-up, and a sign of things to come for those of us now who consider it a way of life.
I've never really grown out of having them in my bag, and have loved the soft drink incarnations since I first discovered them. Check this out!

Epic! Lip balm in bottle cap packaging, I'm hoping like hell that they've released the Dr. Pepper one in Australia, though I'm yet to see it.

What was your favourite lip smackers flavour?

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