Thursday 26 January 2012

The new Block Colour trend: Mod

Translating last seasons clothes into this season can be tricky but always fun, when the new seasons looks start to trickle out it can pay to keep an eye out for what looks similar to what you're wearing! I'm glad to say that last seasons bright colours trend has a friend in the new Mod stylings coming out now.
So let's have a look at what we can do.
The shift dress is often the first thing anyone thinks of when they think of Mod, and for good reason. It was a style staple to have your hems tiny and dress like a baby-doll. There are some incredibly cute variations that actually will suit a stack of shapes an sizes. To really amp up it up, buy some bright tights in a coordinating colour to really oomph it up, Something I'm loving at the moment is mustard gold and deep burgundy. Of course if you're not quite feeling it, a pair of black opaques will go with almost anything, and black shoes with black tights will make your legs look longer.

Otherwise a tunic and skinny jeans is a modern take on this trend. Sportsgirl have taken this trend and run with it, with cute collars, boxy tops and the perfect pants to wear with them, their Stevie style is ideal.

If you already have some cute high necked tops and want to add something to them, a lot of collars are in the shops waiting to be added. I bought one a while ago too.
Loving Sportsgirl's range out this month, all the items in this post can be found instore now.

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