Sunday 15 January 2012

Bought! Cushions by Pulp Kitchen

So I may have a soft spot for novelty cushions, but why not? Not only do they make your couch cozy but they're great to throw at my friend's kids when they come over and find I have no toys! (child free homes tend not to, but a three year old doesn't seem to understand that...)
That aside I actually bought the Valium cushion for the boyfriend. When he's in pain for some unknown reason *coughhangovercough* he'll usually want to sleep it off on the couch and just complain that he's not hungover, just tired. So here hun! Take the Valium and have a sleep*!
The Toast cushion was for me, and I'm hoping it doesn't make me hungry every time I see it! But how could I say no to that face?? These cushions are seriously comfy too, and for those that want a breakfast theme I also spotted a pancake stack!
These cushions would also look cute as sitting on your bed, and even the kitties have taken to snuggling up to them ... provided we stop rolling the Valium cushion along the floor at them.

Has anyone else shopped with Pulp kitchen before? What did you get?

*Ha, just to cover myself, Birdette doesn't recommend taking Valium unless it's been prescribed by your doctor!

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