Saturday 14 January 2012

Tip of the day: Quick fix for a bad neckline

Fashion Math time! There's always a dress on the rack that you adore and everything works on it for you, except the neckline. High necklines only ever seem to flatter those with a smaller bust because when a larger bust wears it, it can make you look ... well large. Meanwhile the opposite can be said as well, a low cut neckline on a small frame has made some of the girls I've seen out there look like a chicken wing. (Perhaps I was hungry at the time?)
Either way, there is a quick fix to this that doesn't involve a tailor. Grab some statement necklaces!
The big chunky bib styles that have been fashionable recently are amazing for this. In effect they create a new line for the eye and cut through that massive expanse of either skin or fabric, the bigger and bolder the necklace, the better job it does.
So next time you're trying on a dress with a neckline you would normally discard, think of what you already have (or could pick up cheaply) to try this trick with!

What other tricks do you use to make an otherwise unflattering style work? I'd love to know!

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