Tuesday 1 November 2011

Trouble blending foundation? Try a sponge.

I, like so many other girls my age have had it drilled into me that the best way to apply liquid foundation is with your fingertips. The heat from your hands helps the product spread over your face more evenly and creates the best base. But I found a way to one up it and make it look a lot more like skin, and not covered up skin.
I received a make-up sponge in a goodie bag not long ago and thought nothing of it, but gave it a go just to smooth over my foundation once I had applied it with my fingers. Perfection, it helped hide my pores perfectly and blended my make-up edges in a way I could just never achieve with my fingers.
So what I like to do nowadays is squirt some liquid foundation on the back of my hands, to heat it up a little, then dab a sponge in it and blend onto my face, starting at my nose and working outwards. I find this is the best way to keep it looking natural.
If you start to use a sponge, just make sure you wash it frequently. I like to clean mine with a make-up remover and rinsing very thoroughly.
Bonus tip: Get one without sharp corners for no streaks

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