Monday 28 January 2013

Brisbane gets wet again

You may be seeing on the news right now that Brisbane and her surrounds are undergoing another flood crisis, making this the second in just over two years. It's quite eerie, the rivers will peak in the sunlight with very little rain coming down. Quietly the banks break and the water creeps up, not during the torrential rains that we have already had.
Like the last time I'm quite fortunate, I live in an area of Brisbane that is quite safe from floods, and our biggest worries have been trees falling in the strong winds. I haven't heard yet whether or not I'll be going in to my office job tomorrow in the city centre, I'm not fussed either way but I know people will be stuck in their homes, and if we're allowed the time off to go and help and do our 'Mud Army' thing like last time, it would be good.
Ultimately if I have any readers in places that are in trouble, stay safe, look out for others, and for god's sake, do not drive through flooded roads!

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