Monday 21 January 2013

Thrift Challenge update - Day 13

(I'm currently embarking on a Thrift Challenge  so this post might not make much sense, please check out the details here! Also, don't forget to enter my giveaway!

We've made it over 12% of the way through! Hurray indeed, though I do have to admit that while I've refrained from my biggest spending weakness of clothes and makeup, I've been putting the money elsewhere, still following the rules, but the loopholes are glaring at me ... Even though this fortnight has been rather brutal for bills, I have a set amount I've always put aside for bills each fortnight but this fortnight the amount I need almost doubled. Ouch.
Because we haven't gone grocery shopping for a fortnight, I haven't taken my lunch to work. Some days where dinner the night before has rendered leftovers (Satay chicken and rice? Perfect!) but on others my kitchen has been pretty useless. We're going grocery shopping today though, so now I know to look out for things I can bring for lunch, we might improve a lot.
I also went ahead and bought some craft supplies, Fabrics to make presents and I may have gone a little over the stipulation of "only what I need to finish a project" When the shipping is expensive and I'm ordering from overseas I kind of allowed myself some le-way to stock up at Hancocks of Paducah. I have to admit I'm not impressed by the service so far, I ordered more then a week ago, and according to my account it still hasn't shipped. Wait, let me correct, ONE product, out of the 29 I bought has shipped according to my account, however they've sent me emails saying it's out of stock and I'll be refunded. WTF!

All in all though, I haven't dug into my fortnightly credit card payment which is something I would normally do, so I will still call this fortnight a success. it's the boy's turn to pay for groceries this week, It's been too hot to stay home without air conditioning so we've still been out to the shops and bought nothing. I admit I was sorely tempted by the perfect canvas backpack at Typo. I've seen a flurry of cute backpacks recently but they've either been designed with vinyl details, or too expensive for words. This simple backpack would be great, but I think in keeping up with my challenge, (and harking back to my original sewing adventures where I actually did make a heap of cute bags in my teens) I might just be able to justify buying some fabric and making my own backpack to create a tute.

What I spent:
Hancocks order - $150
Dumplings x 2 - $20 (Hey! We're moving offices this week, I won't get to eat these dumplings again after next week!)
After work drinks - $15
Other various food - $20 (packing up office building, need quick energy boosts a lot.)

What's in the kitty:
Still $60, like I said, bills cleaned out me.

Lessons learnt?
Bills suck.
Slack postage is frustrating.
Hot weather is hard to deal with, without a trip to the air-conditioned mall.

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