Wednesday 23 November 2011

Product review: Hissyfit Flawless Face

Got this for free when I bought Hissyfit's Saving Face the other day at David Jones. But unfortunately I'm finding it kinda gives you a ghost face, I was asked by someone who didn't think I usually wore make-up if I was wearing make-up when I first wore this. Though the product was effective as keeping shine at bay I just couldn't get past the very pale colour. I have tried it a little more sparsely since that first day but have found it doesn't have a desirable level of shine stopping power without a heavier cover.
There is another darker colour, but I find this is too dark for my tone, it could be used as a bronzer though
I think ultimately I'll just have to put it aside and bring it back for winter when I am actually that pale and it won't wash me out quite so much.
So Birdette's ultimate thoughts? So long as you have a very light skin tone, or a tone that matches the darker shade its a great product, but if not I'd keep looking.

Flawless Face Finishing powder by Hissyfit

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