Tuesday 14 February 2012

Shopper of the year competition

I have to say I am rather cut that they have chosen four locations for this competition, and only spread them between Sydney and Melbourne. But check it out.
They're going to let 200 shoppers on the loose in DFO locations with $200 up their sleeves. They then have 45 minutes to race about DFO and put together an outfit with the money they have been given, best two outfits chosen on the day are crowned finalists and will have their outfits posted online for voting to choose the ultimate winner of $5,000 and the title of Shopper of the Year.
If I could justify it, I'd fly down and do it, but unfortunately it just skips the days I'm already in Melbourne in march by just two days, sadface.

Check it out online for more information and to sign up here.

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