Friday 24 February 2012

Bought! Decadence envelope clutch by Mimco

So I had some loyalty vouchers lying around and there's a 25% off handbags sale going at Mimco at the moment, what does that equal? A sparkly new envelope clutch for $45, down from $179! Bargain of quite possibly the year at this stage. Mimco does have an epic rewards program so long as you act on the vouchers quickly as the voucher expire within about a month, and since mine were due to demise in a week, I took advantage of them as much as I could.
Envelope clutches are everywhere at the moment, and this gorgeous number is actually the first one I own, I realized I don't own any nice evening bags, I own many, many large day bags but hardly anything that would suit a date night. I've been watching a lot of early Sex and the City and picked up on Carries numerous and classic clutches and thought 'me too!'. The only thing I don't like about this bag is the name... the word 'decadent' really irks me ...
Looks fantastic with my little black dress!

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