Saturday 20 October 2012

Changes, Cameras and Sharing the love!

Well there's no time like the present to sit back and reflect. It's been a very long year for me so far in terms of my personal life, and it has shown in Bought by Birdette. I'm not updating as much as I'd like but I'm hoping to change that in the upcoming build to Christmas and the holidays, I just haven't had a day completely to myself in months.
But there are a few things I'd like to share with you, hopefully some changes of the good kind for the blog and something you will like! Of course, this is a great time to let me know what you're loving, and what you'd like to see more of, just leave me a comment.
I have recently bought a newfangled camera on eBay and I'm waiting for it patiently by my mailbox. I've been complimented often for my outfits for a long time so now I'm hoping to point this blog in a personal style direction as well! This will also mean much, much better photos for everything on Bought by Birdette too, as well as the potential for tutorials, swatches, and lots of graphics in general.

Lastly, I'm going to ask you all a favour. If you would be so kind, please follow, like and share Bought by Birdette where you can. FacebookTwitter, Stumbleupon, Google Connect and my RSS Feed are all craving your love and attention and are great ways to keep in contact with what's new, and share the love for Birdette's unique flavour of advice and style!

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