Sunday 6 November 2011

Tip of the Day: How to remove fake tan from your hands!

This is a dilemma at least once for every girl who fakes it (her tan of course!) How to get rid of any pesky and tell tail fake tan stains on the palms of your hands? or anywhere else for that matter? I stumbled across this solution by accident when I was younger and I had a knack for self tanning by myself and did it religiously. One time I forgot to shave my legs beforehand, and I thought I'd be good and use some depilatory cream (you know, the stuff that kind of smells funny but gets rids of hair for twice as long as shaving?) Well. that was stupid, it took off all my fake tan with it too! All that carefully applied perfection, gone. But it did give me an idea ....
So nowadays whenever I get fake tan on my palms, or want a foolproof way of cleaning it off once it's gone all blotchy (only on some parts of my body, like legs and arms and places I don't mind removing hair from as well). I put on the cream as a last ditch effort.
The reason why it should be a last resort is because a lot of depilatory creams advise you not to use it on places like your face, hands and genitals (lol). They use a kind of acid that breaks down the hair, and most of the time the top layer of your skin (good for exfoliation!) So if you do use it on your hands, only put it on for a minute or so, and DO NOT use it on your face in case you either have a reaction as the skin on your face is much more sensitive, or lose your eyebrows!
The other thing about it, is that it does leave a strong line where it has been. That is another good reason to go a minute at a time, so you can sort of blend it but doing a smaller patch the second time.
Also, please please please, do a patch test before using any kind of depilatory cream because your hands, though hardy on the palms, are not somewhere you want a rash! Try leaving a little bit on the back of your arm, just near your elbow for the recommended time to see if there will be any problems.
Products I like? I have been loving the hydro restore range by Veet, as it comes in a big pump bottle that lasts ages and moisturisers your skin as it goes. Grab the sensitive type if you're worried about how you will react.
Veet Hair Removal Cream Pump

Saturday 5 November 2011

Bought! Dylan Shoes by Mimco

Mimco don't just do bags! This was something I learnt earlier this year, and yes I still think that too many girls are walking around with their button bags for me too want to buy one. so I've gone for the shoes today!
After umming and ahhing over them while I had my hair done today I ended up walking back to the store and buying them as my 'congrats on your pseudo work promotion this week!' gift to myself. Partially because work is where I shall wear them the most. I love a good pair of sandals and hope these will last me more then a few years! The heel isn't really a heel but still gives me a little bit of elevation while being comfy enough to run between desks and floors for 8 hours. The hardware is silver and I am very fond of the mirror heel too!
The ladies at the store were also lovely enough to point out that I should cover the mirror up while I spray any waterproofing spray on them. good tip!

Dylan Midi Heel Sandal by Mimco.

Friday 4 November 2011

Bought! T2 Turkish Ice tea blends.

I fell in love with home brewed ice tea last summer and have dug out my ice tea jug for the coming warmer months. So today I bought the proper Turkish apple and Turkish Cherry Blends, they smell divine and I can't wait to taste them, I have the Cherry cooling in my fridge as I type.
T2 is also a great place to go and buy Christmas presents, if you have an idea about the tea that someone you love drinks, go and buy them some special blends, the staff are very kind and helpful and you can also grab the brochure that goes through all of the types.

T2 Turkish Apple and Turkish Cherry Iced teas

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Tip of the day: How often should I change my razor?

When I was younger, I used to go weeks without changing my blades. Purely from not knowing any better, it could still do the job right with a little extra effort and going over the same area a few more times? I had no idea how bad it was for my skin. Razors are expensive little suckers after all.
I now know to change mine around once a week. I probably use them 5 or so times a week to do legs and underarms during summer. But I change them less often in winter accordingly. I do not like to become a she beast and like to be smooth for my boy but I still just can't justify shaving most days when my legs will be hidden under tights and jeans!
A tip to keep your blades sharper for longer though? Good old oil. Use a shaving oil when you use your razor and once you have cleaned your razor after use, give the blades a good dip in a jar of olive oil put aside especially for this task. You see, water causes blades to rust and blunt, while oil keeps them in good condition for longer. Just make sure you give the razor a good rinse before using again or you'll end up pretty greasy.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Trouble blending foundation? Try a sponge.

I, like so many other girls my age have had it drilled into me that the best way to apply liquid foundation is with your fingertips. The heat from your hands helps the product spread over your face more evenly and creates the best base. But I found a way to one up it and make it look a lot more like skin, and not covered up skin.
I received a make-up sponge in a goodie bag not long ago and thought nothing of it, but gave it a go just to smooth over my foundation once I had applied it with my fingers. Perfection, it helped hide my pores perfectly and blended my make-up edges in a way I could just never achieve with my fingers.
So what I like to do nowadays is squirt some liquid foundation on the back of my hands, to heat it up a little, then dab a sponge in it and blend onto my face, starting at my nose and working outwards. I find this is the best way to keep it looking natural.
If you start to use a sponge, just make sure you wash it frequently. I like to clean mine with a make-up remover and rinsing very thoroughly.
Bonus tip: Get one without sharp corners for no streaks

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