Monday 2 April 2012

Cotton On's new Carindale store

So last week I did go to the new Carindale extension grand opening and it was packed! As only can be expected really, it seemed like everyone was there to check out the area.
What stood out in my mind after I had fought my way through the crowds however was the massive new Cotton On shop. Just near the new Glasshouse is the biggest Cotton on I have ever had the pleasure of being in, and it rocked my socks. They have rolled all of the apparel brands into the one shop with clothings, accessories, shoes and even a shop inside a shop with Body down the back in a stand alone alcove. It is huge! The new store truly is an experience in itself that helps bring bricks and mortar into the new shopping age.
Here are a few of my fave things I spotted on the night!

I'm always a sucker for a fun slogan, this one is just daggy enough.

Striped tube skirt for the win.

Because if you can't wear leopard print to bed, when can you?

Have any of you been to the renovations? What did you think?

Source: Cotton On

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