Sunday 22 September 2013

How to hand wash your Delicates

Hand-washing. Ugh, who has the chance to do it honestly? So much time that I could be doing things I actually enjoy.That's why I'm glad I found this method, it makes it an utter cakewalk, and the results are much better then handwashing in a basin. This method is ideal for small delicate items, such as bras, knickers and slips made of lace and silk.

how to wash underwear delicates knickers bras hand

Take a large jar that you have washed thoroughly (or put through the dishwasher, we're talking low effort here!) I like to use Kilner jars, the ones with the slip top lid and rubber seal or giant Moccona coffee jars.

You will also need:
Laundry Powder suited to the items your washing
Dirty Delicates!
That's about it actually ...

Put a small amount of washing powder in the jar along with some hot water. Seal the jar and shake shake shake!
Once the powder has dissolved, fill up the jar to about halfway, pop in your laundry. One item at a time works best but it depends on the size of your jar really. Continue to shake for a minute or two (See? It's a workout and laundry in one! Time saved!)
Repeat with any remaining smalls until you're done, you can use the same soapy water but replace it if the water becomes murky ...
Replace the soapy water with clean cold water and shakes again to rinse. Replace the water as required.
Once they're washed, lay your smalls on a clean dry towel  and blot them with the other end to mop up excess water. Delicate items don't tend to like being wrung out so please don't do that.
Hang them out to dry!

This method works much like a small washing machine in order to give great results with maximum safety for your clothes. Because fabrics such as silk actually get weaker when wet it's a common occurance for them to tear when washed in a machine.
Make sure you wash the lid properly too, We don't want bits of dinner on our freshly laundered bras!.

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