Monday 23 January 2012


GlossyBox is a new company that sends out boxes of (worthwhile) samples once a month to people who sign up and pay a small fee. After reading about them in other blogs I found that of course, curiosity got the best of me and I found that I wanted, no needed(!) to check them out.
I had a look through previous boxes and their contents and found they were pretty awesome, full size lip pencils and balms in the December box? Surely I don't mind scoring such bargains! So I signed up, in the name of beauty blogging to see what I would find.
When you sign up, their is the opportunity to pick and choose the type of products you're going to receive, according to your skintype, and weather you'd be interested in nail products, skincare, hair care etc..
First of all, the packaging, I have never received something so nice in the mail! Even the outer postage box is lovely, and inside it you find a gorgeous solid, reusable giftbox, with your goodies for the month inside. Ha, the symbol on the top is even vague enough that you really could reuse it in a present, homemade cookies anyone?
Inside I found a stash of both full and sample sized products, this month it's a liquid eyeliner, lipgloss, a scrub and two moisturisers, if I did the maths they would add up to more then $50 in value! Epic.
They also have a ripper loyalty program with reviews you give and new clientele you bring to the site contributing to payment for a GlossyBox,
One thing I do find an issue though is finding where to review the products, what you need to do is login, then click the 'products' drop down menu to find the month that your box arrived in, on that page you can then click 'feedback' to leave your thoughts and earn your dots. To be honest I thought that was a little hidden away. But if that's the only thing I can find to bitch about, I'd say I'm onto a great thing! So check them out at 

Sunday 22 January 2012

Avoiding hair product overload

So tell me, where do you first start to apply products to your hair? Whether it be mousse, gel, or oil out of habit it will often be the very top and front. But when you do this, your hair will become greasy and lanky in a flash, while the ends of your hair will be relatively product-less.
The trick to applying these sort of products is to start at the ends of your hair, it's easier if your hair is longer, but try to just apply product to the ends of your hair with your hands, and once you're done with that, grab a brush or combs and brush through the rest of your hair as your normally would.
The brush will carry some of the product up to your roots but not overload this section of your hair, where product overload can cause all kinds of limp, lank problems.
Of course it's also wise to start with just a tiny bit of product, less then what you think you need as you can always add more, but once you've applied too much you'll have to wash your hair!
This also doesn't apply to powder products, dry shampoo and hair powder/dust are designed to mop up grease at the roots, so you are fine to apply these there. My trick with hair shampoo is to spray it on, and then rough your hair up with a towel to distribute, this way there is much chance of that dandruff type build up you can get from dry shampoo.

Do you have any other tricks to stop product overload in your hair? Tell me in the comments!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Ra Ra Superstar Garage Sale Brisbane

Right about now I'm regretting my decision to budget budget budget and try and pay off my credit card, but that doesn't mean you can't go to this!
Over in Paddington there is an epic vintage store by the name of Ra Ra Superstar and today they're holding their Laneway sale. (yes, I should've told you early, bad blogger! Bad!) You can pick up dresses from as low as $15! and Accessories from as low as $5.
So the Details Birdette? Don't hold out on me!:
Where: Ra Ra Superstar store 284 Given Terrace, Paddington (Brisbane).
When: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Today! (21 of January 2012)

I hope you enjoy it and please show me anything you pick up!

Thursday 19 January 2012

Dita sets a date!

So as previously mentioned here Dita Von Teese is releasing a range of underwear through Target Australia. and a date has been set!
The range will be available on the 8th of February so jot it in your calendar and be first in line (with me!)

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Loving this week: Lip Smackers Soda-Pop Caps.

So put up your hands if you didn't have a Bonne Belle Lip Smackers tube (or 7!) rolling around in your back pack and pencil case when you were at school? I'm guessing there aren't many hands that aren't in the air, everyone had them! And they were awesome, a nice little prelude into make-up, and a sign of things to come for those of us now who consider it a way of life.
I've never really grown out of having them in my bag, and have loved the soft drink incarnations since I first discovered them. Check this out!

Epic! Lip balm in bottle cap packaging, I'm hoping like hell that they've released the Dr. Pepper one in Australia, though I'm yet to see it.

What was your favourite lip smackers flavour?

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