Saturday 10 August 2013

Winter Facials by Guinot

Guinot Institut Paris Australia

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of meeting Laura Pritchard of Guinot (pronounced Ghee-no for those new to the brand) to experience a Liftosome Facial, one of two Winter treatments (the other being the Hydralift Treatment) available from Guinot that lifts and firms the face. So off to Outshine Beauty Salon and Medi spa in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane I went to check it out.
Outshine is a chic little beauty haven nestled just off James Street where you can easily spend a day exploring some of Brisbane's best shopping. I've recently rediscovered this little nook down the hill from Fortitude Valley and love it to bits!

Guinot Liftosome Facial Treatment Beauty Salon
The Liftosome Facial from Guinot

What makes this facial so special?
Featuring a serum that includes four star ingredients (Pro Collagen, Alaria Esculenta, Vitamin C and Bio-peptides EL and CL) the treatment will take around 45 minutes. During the process they also apply a special clay mask that heats up to a gentle warmth to ensure that the applied product works its way deeper then usual into your skin for even better results. I asked to have a look at it afterwards, and it was interesting but also a little scary to see just how thick it was! It didn't feel that heavy at all.
Your beauty therapist will then massage your face, neck and decollete with the serum. This was my favorite part of the treatment, it's so relaxing to have an expert treating your skin with such care and excellent technique.
You also get some amazing results after just one treatment with firmness increased by 26.5% and wrinkles diminished by 20.4%
The end result is firmer, brighter skin with added perk. This is an ideal treatment for a special occasion as the results are quite immediate, but will get still improve even further after a short program of facials. I was really stoked with the results but felt even better about them when a friend of mine who didn't know I was going for this facial commented that my skin looked amazing two days later. She wanted to know what I had been doing differently lately!

For those who are interested in the Hydralift Treatment, while I didn't experience one firsthand I can tell you that it is an effective method to exercise the muscles in your face. Much like your body, your face benefits from working out too to give you a youthful look. By draining toxins and stimulating muscles the treatment reshapes, tones and firms, while minimizing fine lines. Products used during your Hydralift session will be tailored to your skin type with a choice of half hour, full hour or two hours for your treatment. Further sessions have the added benefits of being even more effective in banishing wrinkles and lifting the eye area.

For more information, please visit the Guinot Australia Website where you can also find your local Guinot treatment supplier.

Please note that while this service was complementary, the above opinion is purely my own and in no way swayed by any third parties.

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