Ever needed to justify that immense amount of money you dropped on something spectacular? I get that sounds completely insane but listen to me for a minute.
Imagine you have found the perfect handbag, you can use it everyday for work, the perfect go with anything colour and it fits everything you need. The only problem is that it comes with a not so perfect price-tag, in fact it's reaching up into almost a grand. (Or more, could always be more!)
How often do you think you would use the bag, possibly you would use it 4 times a week, for three years? That would calculate into 624 wears. You divide the full price by the amount off times you predict you will wear it, so $1000 divided by 624 means it will cost $1.60 for each time you wear it!
Suddenly that classic supple leather is justified right? It can get a little hazy but if you stick to classic styles and items that will be worn often it can help your wardrobe acquire some truly special pieces.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
The cost per wear theory
The cost per wear theory
advice|fashion|Tip of the day|
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Tip of the day
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Christmas gift ideas: Fashion fiend
The ultimate for this and for all price ranges is to buy them a gift card for their favorite store, you let them choose, you know it will get used, and even better, they'll put it to good use during the sales! It's what I ask for every year.
Under $30:
A good accessory can make an outfit, and even better is when you get an item that looks expensive, without the redic price tag. Diva can be a little hit and miss, but if you have a sharp eye you can find some excellent buys, take this Diva cuff, it's perfect for summer, it will work for beachy, boho and ethnic looks and that's just off the top of my head.
Under $50:
What I love about this jewellery box is hat the clear perspex you can see exactly what is in there before you get into it, helping you plan your outfit in a quicker time.
Under $100:
Magazines subscriptions are a great option when you're not sure if someone you are buying for will like what you buy them. Choose wisely, but luckily for fashionistas there is a wide variety, I would recommend Shop til you Drop in Aus, one of my favourites!
Under $30:
A good accessory can make an outfit, and even better is when you get an item that looks expensive, without the redic price tag. Diva can be a little hit and miss, but if you have a sharp eye you can find some excellent buys, take this Diva cuff, it's perfect for summer, it will work for beachy, boho and ethnic looks and that's just off the top of my head.
Diva Cuff $16.99
Under $50:
What I love about this jewellery box is hat the clear perspex you can see exactly what is in there before you get into it, helping you plan your outfit in a quicker time.
Jewellery Box by ASOS roughly $50 AU
Magazines subscriptions are a great option when you're not sure if someone you are buying for will like what you buy them. Choose wisely, but luckily for fashionistas there is a wide variety, I would recommend Shop til you Drop in Aus, one of my favourites!
Christmas gift ideas: Fashion fiend
accessories|fashion|gift ideas|
Comments (2)
gift ideas
Monday, 28 November 2011
Oh god no!
Office ladies out there, you know the ones, in their perfectly pressed crisp shirts, chic and professional tailored dresses and their chunky, garish sneakers ... Wait a minute!
I don't get it, I just don't. I get that you are doing it for comfort while you get to and from work, but that is when you will be seen by the most people. Do you really want to potentially meet new clients, bosses or boyfriends like this? No matter how groomed your hair is, perfectly applied your make up is, how immaculate your suit is, No one with an iota of fashion sense is going to think you're a well presented person. You might as well wear uggs!
I just can't understand why you don't just wear some cute ballet flats instead. At least that way you still maintain that professional edge while you trapse about town in comfort. A pair of leather flats can look just as chic as heels, and when you feel like that added boost of heels you can still switch them!
I don't get it, I just don't. I get that you are doing it for comfort while you get to and from work, but that is when you will be seen by the most people. Do you really want to potentially meet new clients, bosses or boyfriends like this? No matter how groomed your hair is, perfectly applied your make up is, how immaculate your suit is, No one with an iota of fashion sense is going to think you're a well presented person. You might as well wear uggs!
I just can't understand why you don't just wear some cute ballet flats instead. At least that way you still maintain that professional edge while you trapse about town in comfort. A pair of leather flats can look just as chic as heels, and when you feel like that added boost of heels you can still switch them!
Oh god no!
advice|fashion|rant|Tip of the day|would you wear it?|
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Tip of the day,
would you wear it?
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Christmas gift ideas: Make-up Addict
I'm a fond believer that when you buy someone a gift, it shouldn't be something they need so to speak, but something they want, or something they would never buy for themselves.
Under $30:
Case in point, I can't often justify buying MAC products when I know that a lot of cheaper products do the same job just as well (don't shoot me ladies, there are a lot of things MAC does better then anyone, colour variety in foundation for one?) But I do like to take care of my brushes, so I'd buy this as a special little something for my make up addicted friends to have on their counter so they can keep their brushes in top condition!
Under $50:
Had a moment at the baby shower last weekend where we had a game, and whichever group came up with 6 lip-glosses or lipsticks first won. I managed to win for my team in two seconds flat by emptying my handbag onto the floor. I thought everyone carried around multiple options??
Every Christmas a lot of brands bring out beautiful lip gloss kits (that I looooooove to snap up on Boxing day for cheap!) Here are my picks.
Benefit make amazing Lip gloss, its applies well, and doesn't stick your lips together. A set of six to last you forever? Yes please.
Under $100:
If you feel like going all out for your make up fiend, my ultimate would be to buy them the Urban Decay Book of Shadows. Of course, it's a total pain in the ass because there are no stockists (that I know of) in Australia so you're stuck buying it on eBay. However, the response I got from a friend of mine last year when she unwrapped it, wow, her boyfriend was cut as because she squealed over my gift and not his! This year the palette is really wearable with a lot more neutral shades, if you're going to buy it, buy it now because you want to make sure it will ship here in time! It also features a powerful mini speaker keyring, and QR codes that link your phone up to demos on the shadows! High tech stuff ladies...
Under $30:
Case in point, I can't often justify buying MAC products when I know that a lot of cheaper products do the same job just as well (don't shoot me ladies, there are a lot of things MAC does better then anyone, colour variety in foundation for one?) But I do like to take care of my brushes, so I'd buy this as a special little something for my make up addicted friends to have on their counter so they can keep their brushes in top condition!
Brush cleaner by MAC $20
Under $50:
Had a moment at the baby shower last weekend where we had a game, and whichever group came up with 6 lip-glosses or lipsticks first won. I managed to win for my team in two seconds flat by emptying my handbag onto the floor. I thought everyone carried around multiple options??
Every Christmas a lot of brands bring out beautiful lip gloss kits (that I looooooove to snap up on Boxing day for cheap!) Here are my picks.
Benefit make amazing Lip gloss, its applies well, and doesn't stick your lips together. A set of six to last you forever? Yes please.
Benefit Glossytown $26 (on-line)
Not to be forgotten is Clinique's gorgeous set, SPF 15+, great colours, and a cue little pouch to keep essentials in your purse.
Clinique long last shine Gift set ($49)
If you feel like going all out for your make up fiend, my ultimate would be to buy them the Urban Decay Book of Shadows. Of course, it's a total pain in the ass because there are no stockists (that I know of) in Australia so you're stuck buying it on eBay. However, the response I got from a friend of mine last year when she unwrapped it, wow, her boyfriend was cut as because she squealed over my gift and not his! This year the palette is really wearable with a lot more neutral shades, if you're going to buy it, buy it now because you want to make sure it will ship here in time! It also features a powerful mini speaker keyring, and QR codes that link your phone up to demos on the shadows! High tech stuff ladies...
Urban Decay Book of Shadows IV $64 (USD) Additional speaker and phone not included.
Another option if you don't feel like dealing with online bullshit would be this brush kit by Napoleon Perdis. He makes fantastic brushes an the kits are a great way to buy them, also, note that maake up fiend can never, ever have enough brushes!
Napoleon Luxe Ultimate brush set ($99)
Napoleon Luxe Basic Brush set ($69)
Christmas gift ideas: Make-up Addict
beauty|gift ideas|shopping|
Comments (2)
gift ideas,
Friday, 25 November 2011
Loving this week: Wrap kit by Kikki K
I am a massive fan of creating inviting and awesomely wrapped gifts, crisp paper, shiny ribbons, all topped off with a cute gift tag. Sitting under the tree for Christmas, (Can you tell I'm really in the mood?)
Not everyone has the time to go out and go through Spotlight to pick up separate bits and bobs to create beautiful and coordinated packaging, so here is a great package to pick up from Stationery store Kikki K. It comes with cards, tags, stickers, strings for wrapping, some paper, a tree stamp and more. Otherwise, it's a good starting point for putting together a kit of your own? It's often a mad dash to the shops to buy a card, or get some ribbon or some other final touch really isn't it? Set up a kit, I keep mine in a vintage suitcase!
Not everyone has the time to go out and go through Spotlight to pick up separate bits and bobs to create beautiful and coordinated packaging, so here is a great package to pick up from Stationery store Kikki K. It comes with cards, tags, stickers, strings for wrapping, some paper, a tree stamp and more. Otherwise, it's a good starting point for putting together a kit of your own? It's often a mad dash to the shops to buy a card, or get some ribbon or some other final touch really isn't it? Set up a kit, I keep mine in a vintage suitcase!
Christmas Wrapping Kit in Frost by Kikki K
Loving this week: Wrap kit by Kikki K
fix it|house and home|shopping|
Comments (2)
fix it,
house and home,
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Christmas gift ideas: Foodie friend
It's just over a month away guys! It truly is the time to start feeling festive, get into it and start planning what you're going to buy for whom. Hopefully you have a little dosh up your sleeves? I certainly don't but it won't stop me from finding thoughtful gifts!
This post is for your friends and family who love to be in the kitchen, hopefully their repotior involves more then sandwiches?
Under $30:
I wish I could justify buying another set of measuring cups because these are too damn cute! Inside stacking matryoshka dolls, perfect use and display, they also come in owls!
Under $50:
Ice cream machine have always been one of those frivolous items that cost too much to justify, so when I spotted this cute as candy red machine for $30, I knew I had to buy one! Or two... I can't see myself buying one to give and not picking one up for myself.
This post is for your friends and family who love to be in the kitchen, hopefully their repotior involves more then sandwiches?
Under $30:
I wish I could justify buying another set of measuring cups because these are too damn cute! Inside stacking matryoshka dolls, perfect use and display, they also come in owls!
Matryoshka Measuring Cups available from Typo
Under $50:
Ice cream machine have always been one of those frivolous items that cost too much to justify, so when I spotted this cute as candy red machine for $30, I knew I had to buy one! Or two... I can't see myself buying one to give and not picking one up for myself.
Licorice Ice cream Maker available at Myer
Under $100:
Yes, I am quite partial to Tupperware (I'm a retro housewife at age 24, sigh). This is one of their indispensable items, use it to obliterate anything that really needs to be chopped into tiny pieces. Minced onion? Done. Puréed anything? Give it a whirl. Easy dips? Yup yup! I gave one to my mother in law for Christmas last year, She wasn't impressed when she opened it, but once she used it, she raved about it!
Now because you are likely to require a whole Tupperware party to buy one, I'd suggest you just get on eBay and buy one instead.
TurboChef by Tupperware.
P.S If you have any other people genres for me to try and give ideas for let me know, I hope to do more then a few of these posts up until Christmas!
Christmas gift ideas: Foodie friend
gift ideas|shopping|
Comments (1)
gift ideas,
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Product review: Hissyfit Flawless Face
Got this for free when I bought Hissyfit's Saving Face the other day at David Jones. But unfortunately I'm finding it kinda gives you a ghost face, I was asked by someone who didn't think I usually wore make-up if I was wearing make-up when I first wore this. Though the product was effective as keeping shine at bay I just couldn't get past the very pale colour. I have tried it a little more sparsely since that first day but have found it doesn't have a desirable level of shine stopping power without a heavier cover.
There is another darker colour, but I find this is too dark for my tone, it could be used as a bronzer though
I think ultimately I'll just have to put it aside and bring it back for winter when I am actually that pale and it won't wash me out quite so much.
So Birdette's ultimate thoughts? So long as you have a very light skin tone, or a tone that matches the darker shade its a great product, but if not I'd keep looking.
There is another darker colour, but I find this is too dark for my tone, it could be used as a bronzer though
I think ultimately I'll just have to put it aside and bring it back for winter when I am actually that pale and it won't wash me out quite so much.
So Birdette's ultimate thoughts? So long as you have a very light skin tone, or a tone that matches the darker shade its a great product, but if not I'd keep looking.
Flawless Face Finishing powder by Hissyfit
Product review: Hissyfit Flawless Face
beauty|product review|
Comments (1)
product review
Monday, 21 November 2011
Why you shouldn't wear babydoll tops with low waist skirts ...
I have seen this about town and I can't help but practically shake my head in disgust. How can you not realize how pregnant this makes you look? Come on ladies! look in the mirror.
Basically it happens when you wear an empire line top tucked into a skirt, sometimes, only sometimes when you pair it with a very high waisted skirt it works alright because it doesn't poof up around your middle.
Want to know the trick to tell if you'll look OK,when you have your outfit on? Reach your arms over your head and then bring them back down. Does it poof out around your tummy? Yes? Then FIX IT! Change your top, or put on another skirt or trousers, if it looks good untucked then don't tuck it. but Please, you have no need to look preggers when you are not.
Basically it happens when you wear an empire line top tucked into a skirt, sometimes, only sometimes when you pair it with a very high waisted skirt it works alright because it doesn't poof up around your middle.
Want to know the trick to tell if you'll look OK,when you have your outfit on? Reach your arms over your head and then bring them back down. Does it poof out around your tummy? Yes? Then FIX IT! Change your top, or put on another skirt or trousers, if it looks good untucked then don't tuck it. but Please, you have no need to look preggers when you are not.
Why you shouldn't wear babydoll tops with low waist skirts ...
advice|clothes|fix it|
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Sunday, 20 November 2011
Loving this week: Greeting stamps by Kikki K
These totally saved my ass today, over the last year or so I have slowly been collecting various stamps, a lot of them are from Typo but I also splurged and bought this set from Kikki K. Handy as.
I had a baby shower to go to and realised that the gift bag I was going to use didn't come with a card, so I cut up some card from a shopping bag and attacked it with this stamp set, congratulations does the job nicely as well as a few other cute animals and birds I've bought. Instant greeting cards. Certainly something I'd recommend adding to your home-made kit.
Greeting stamps by Kikki K <3 <3 <3
Loving this week: Greeting stamps by Kikki K
advice|create|fix it|
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Saturday, 19 November 2011
How to Hair: Serena Van Der Woodsen's Ponytail
My recent post for an easy bad hair day solution was pretty popular so I'm going to talk you through another favourite and easy hairstyle of mine. It's a very chic up-do that looks great on everyone.
On Gossip Girl, Serena has an iconic hairstyle. Blake Lively looks fabulous and instantly done when she puts her hair up, (but wouldn't we all if we had hairdressers on our beck and call?) It's actually quite easy to do at home too.
Step one: If hair is a little on the dirty side spray some dry shampoo through it, and if it's clean, apply some mousse and blow-dry upside down, this will give the hair some texture to play with.
Step two: Without brushing too much, pull hair back into a ponytail at the lower crown of your head, about halfway down the back of your head. You don't want it to look smooth, it if is looking a bit too smooth, rake your fingers from your face, back to the pony to rough it up a bit.
Step three: Rough up the pony a bit by getting a few chunks of it and teasing with a tail comb, spray the pony and make sure it still works as one piece, not a strange tangle.
Step four: Pull aside a small bit of the ponytail and wrap it around the hair-tie to hide it, then pin in place, for a hard to spot job, pin underneath the pony, and aim the pin back into the pony.
Step five: Mist with hairspray to finish.
All you need is a pair of bold earrings or a statement necklace and you've got a 'done' look in no time at all.
What styles do you do to look done in a hurry?

On Gossip Girl, Serena has an iconic hairstyle. Blake Lively looks fabulous and instantly done when she puts her hair up, (but wouldn't we all if we had hairdressers on our beck and call?) It's actually quite easy to do at home too.
Step one: If hair is a little on the dirty side spray some dry shampoo through it, and if it's clean, apply some mousse and blow-dry upside down, this will give the hair some texture to play with.
Step two: Without brushing too much, pull hair back into a ponytail at the lower crown of your head, about halfway down the back of your head. You don't want it to look smooth, it if is looking a bit too smooth, rake your fingers from your face, back to the pony to rough it up a bit.
Step three: Rough up the pony a bit by getting a few chunks of it and teasing with a tail comb, spray the pony and make sure it still works as one piece, not a strange tangle.
Step four: Pull aside a small bit of the ponytail and wrap it around the hair-tie to hide it, then pin in place, for a hard to spot job, pin underneath the pony, and aim the pin back into the pony.
Step five: Mist with hairspray to finish.
All you need is a pair of bold earrings or a statement necklace and you've got a 'done' look in no time at all.
What styles do you do to look done in a hurry?
How to Hair: Serena Van Der Woodsen's Ponytail
advice|DIY|fix it|hair|
Comments (7)
Friday, 18 November 2011
Bought! Chimera underwear set by Pleasure State
I adore upmarket lingerie labels, La Perla, Agent Provocateur, The names make me smile and make me dream of a life where I can afford to wear them everyday. But this isn't the case and as such I wait until they go on sale, after all, lingerie doesn't have much of a fashion cycle, so long as it's flattering who cares if it's from a collection three years ago?
So I keep an eye out for times when labels like Elle Macpherson and Pleasure State go on sale, if you jump in early enough you can still get a great range of sizes still available and have a high chance of getting a full matching set at a great price.
Last week I bought this amazing Chimera set at Myer, totally in love with it, bra, two pairs of knickers and suspenders. The fact it's Australian just makes it better.
Bought! Chimera underwear set by Pleasure State
Comments (4)
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Bright coloured hair tips
I posted a little while ago about this trend but not really on how to do it, I've become a real fan of it when done properly and the great thing is you can be as subtle or daring as you like, Depending on the colour and how much you apply.
A few quick tips:
-It will only really show up on light hair, so make sure you tone your hair below applying any colour, this is more important when you are going to be using colours like blue (not toning will make it green!).
-Choose a colour that will compliment, if you have balayage with dark roots choosing red and pinks are flattering, if you are completely blonde you can have more of a variety.
-If your doing this at home the easiest option is to stick to the nape of your neck and clip the rest of your hair up and out of the way of your dying, get a friend to help if you can.
Fudge make a brilliant collection of semi permanent colours that will gradually wash out call paintbox, my tips for using to is to apply to product along the length of your hair, then blast it with a blow dryer to really lock in the colour to last before letting it develop and then washing it off. I love Pretty Flamingo for a real in your face pink.
If you're after something that will wash out before you have to go to work the next day Kevin Murphy have come up with colour bugs, which you can apply to your hair and dry quickly, a bit like the hair mascara of the 90's but a much better formula.Kevin came up with the idea stemming it from make-up, why can't hair colour be as easy to apply and remove as make-up? Awesome idea. Spray with hairspray to help keep it in place and then wash out once you're ready to remove it.
A few quick tips:
-It will only really show up on light hair, so make sure you tone your hair below applying any colour, this is more important when you are going to be using colours like blue (not toning will make it green!).
-Choose a colour that will compliment, if you have balayage with dark roots choosing red and pinks are flattering, if you are completely blonde you can have more of a variety.
-If your doing this at home the easiest option is to stick to the nape of your neck and clip the rest of your hair up and out of the way of your dying, get a friend to help if you can.
Fudge make a brilliant collection of semi permanent colours that will gradually wash out call paintbox, my tips for using to is to apply to product along the length of your hair, then blast it with a blow dryer to really lock in the colour to last before letting it develop and then washing it off. I love Pretty Flamingo for a real in your face pink.
If you're after something that will wash out before you have to go to work the next day Kevin Murphy have come up with colour bugs, which you can apply to your hair and dry quickly, a bit like the hair mascara of the 90's but a much better formula.Kevin came up with the idea stemming it from make-up, why can't hair colour be as easy to apply and remove as make-up? Awesome idea. Spray with hairspray to help keep it in place and then wash out once you're ready to remove it.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Twig Ring and Bangle by Have You Met Miss Jones
I've long been a fan of Miss Jones' home wares and was very excited to see the new jewellery collection, Cute and whimsy pieces that can be layered or worn on their own. Pieces come in collections with motifs available in rings, bangles and necklaces.
My pick? I love the twig inspired collection, it's not obvious and the designs are subtle, when I fist saw them I didn't pick they were twigs. Just the sort of item that will attract oohs and ahhs when you wear them out.
My pick? I love the twig inspired collection, it's not obvious and the designs are subtle, when I fist saw them I didn't pick they were twigs. Just the sort of item that will attract oohs and ahhs when you wear them out.
Twig Bangle by Have You Met Miss Jones
Twig Ring by Have You Met Miss Jones
Twig Ring and Bangle by Have You Met Miss Jones
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Monday, 14 November 2011
Avoiding Ghost-face in photos
It's party season! And about time too. I cannot wait until Summer with some awesome cocktails and lots of chances to catch up with people that I have missed over the year. But what also comes out when you gather a group of close friends and family? Cameras.
Has anyone else ever had that annoying look in your photos where your face is paler then your body and you can't put your finger on why? It happens more at night then during the day. Guess what it is? SPF in your make-up and moisturiser.
This is because the SPF ingredients reflect the light of the flash and make you appear ghostly pale. So next time, make sure you use products that do not contain SPF, and your pictures won't come out so odd, (It's not like you need it when the sun goes down anyway!)
Has anyone else ever had that annoying look in your photos where your face is paler then your body and you can't put your finger on why? It happens more at night then during the day. Guess what it is? SPF in your make-up and moisturiser.
This is because the SPF ingredients reflect the light of the flash and make you appear ghostly pale. So next time, make sure you use products that do not contain SPF, and your pictures won't come out so odd, (It's not like you need it when the sun goes down anyway!)
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Bought! Eyeshadow by Maybelline and Sportsgirl Epaulettes
Just a few of the items I picked up while out shopping yesterday. I as supposed to be having an eye out for Christmas ideas but that idea quickly went down the toilet as I went along my way.
Myer was good, picked up two new summer suits by Tokito, as well as some new tops and a maxi skirt, but I'll leave those for another post.
I've been after a nude eye-shadow set to replace my utterly dead one for a while now, and Target is currently having 40% off Maybelline. What better time then to pick up one of their new Hyper Diamonds Palette? So I picked it up in ____. Three yummy tones to wear during the day, and two darker colours to dress up at night.
I also picked up another item for my slightly surreal wardrobe. When I spotted these a few months ago I thought they were awesome but wouldn't quite pay full price for them, so I watched the price drop a they were that little bit too abstract for a lot of shoppers. Oh well, their loss is my gain!
They are Epaulettes that you pin to the shoulders of a plain top to add interest. I really wish that these had come out a few years ago when the shoulder detail trend was massive, I ended up making my own to attach to a plain blazer in the end but these would've been perfect! I'm going to attach them to loose singlets and t-shirts over the coming summer and I think they'd be awesome for a festival.
Myer was good, picked up two new summer suits by Tokito, as well as some new tops and a maxi skirt, but I'll leave those for another post.
I've been after a nude eye-shadow set to replace my utterly dead one for a while now, and Target is currently having 40% off Maybelline. What better time then to pick up one of their new Hyper Diamonds Palette? So I picked it up in ____. Three yummy tones to wear during the day, and two darker colours to dress up at night.
They are Epaulettes that you pin to the shoulders of a plain top to add interest. I really wish that these had come out a few years ago when the shoulder detail trend was massive, I ended up making my own to attach to a plain blazer in the end but these would've been perfect! I'm going to attach them to loose singlets and t-shirts over the coming summer and I think they'd be awesome for a festival.
Epaulettes by Sportsgirl
Bought! Eyeshadow by Maybelline and Sportsgirl Epaulettes
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Saturday, 12 November 2011
Myer one day sale
After something to do today?
Myer is having a one day sale today, think epic sale things such as 40% off full price Hi There by Karen Walker.
It's not just clothing, specials are across the store, for more information check this out, or better yet, get thee to a Myer!
You're seriously still reading? GO!
Myer is having a one day sale today, think epic sale things such as 40% off full price Hi There by Karen Walker.
It's not just clothing, specials are across the store, for more information check this out, or better yet, get thee to a Myer!
You're seriously still reading? GO!
Myer one day sale
accessories|beauty|clothes|fashion|house and home|sales|shoes|shopping|
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house and home,
Friday, 11 November 2011
Bought! Wink at me Frock by Alannah Hill
I adore finding those amazing dresses that make your figure absolutely sing. The beauty of a wrap dress is that it falls perfectly, suits a range of figures and will grow and shrink with you if you gain or lose a few.
Alannah Hill have some fantastic sale racks at the moment and I managed to pick this up for a little over $150. Yes $150 for a brand new Alannah Hill perfect dress, I thought I was dreaming! I just slip on some cute shoes that don't clash and wear a feminine hairstyle and I'm out the door.
Alannah Hill have some fantastic sale racks at the moment and I managed to pick this up for a little over $150. Yes $150 for a brand new Alannah Hill perfect dress, I thought I was dreaming! I just slip on some cute shoes that don't clash and wear a feminine hairstyle and I'm out the door.
Wink at me Frock by Alannah Hill
Source: Polyvore
Bought! Wink at me Frock by Alannah Hill
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Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Product review: Hissyfit Saving Face
Since I finished off my tube of Invisible Zinc I thought I'd also give a similar product by Hissyfit a go.
In short, very impressed.
Saving Face by Hissyfit is a sheer and powerful physical sunscreen that you can layer with your regular make up or wear on its own. American ratings give it an SPF of 50+, (the reason why it's 30+ in Aus is a whole 'nother post!)
What I really adore about it is the fact that it comes in a lot more wearable shade, even for pale skin! I bought it in sand and it works well on my beyond pallid skin.I use it between my regular moisturiser and my foundation to top up my sun blocking. The texture is also quite a lot more runny, and it's easy to blend and work with, it also contains Pomegranate, Green Tea, and Australian Daisy extracts for their good for your skin benefits. I'll be more then happy to wear this by itself over the weekend too. Just enough coverage to look natural and great sun protection to boot!
Also, since I bought this at David Jones last week, the counter girls gave me a bonus full size 'flawless face' as a gift with purchase! Perfect timing, I needed a dusting powder.
In short, very impressed.
Saving Face by Hissyfit is a sheer and powerful physical sunscreen that you can layer with your regular make up or wear on its own. American ratings give it an SPF of 50+, (the reason why it's 30+ in Aus is a whole 'nother post!)
What I really adore about it is the fact that it comes in a lot more wearable shade, even for pale skin! I bought it in sand and it works well on my beyond pallid skin.I use it between my regular moisturiser and my foundation to top up my sun blocking. The texture is also quite a lot more runny, and it's easy to blend and work with, it also contains Pomegranate, Green Tea, and Australian Daisy extracts for their good for your skin benefits. I'll be more then happy to wear this by itself over the weekend too. Just enough coverage to look natural and great sun protection to boot!
Also, since I bought this at David Jones last week, the counter girls gave me a bonus full size 'flawless face' as a gift with purchase! Perfect timing, I needed a dusting powder.
Saving Face tinted moisturiser by Hissyfit
Product review: Hissyfit Saving Face
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product review
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Birdette's fave bad hair day solution.
So here I'm going to take you through my recent favourite bad hair day cure. It's quite easy and is good for oily, and frizzy hair days, in fact it will benefit from it! I hate the fact I'm using Jennifer Love Hewitt as a hair model, but this is somewhat what it will look like.
Step one: put your hair in a high ponytail. I put mine on the crown, not too high or this will turn into a dreaded top knot and I will laugh at you. You can make the scalp and smooth or textured as you like. But if your hair is oily, I'd recommend smooth.
Step two: Grab sections of the ponytail and your teasing comb, tease the entire ponytail section by section giving some oomph along the entire pony. by the time you are done. you should have quite a thick pony.
Step three: Spray your pony to help keep it boofy.
Step four: Lightly twist the pony until it coils back onto your hair like a bun and pin in place. What we are going for here is to try and create a ring shape.
Step five: use bobby pins to pin into place, I like to use them on the outer and point the pins toward the base of the pony. Try to tuck away any bits that are poking out.
Step six: Spray with hairspray again and you're good to go!
I like to add some good dangly earrings to accessorise, then you need very little make up to look quite glam.
I'll add some pics to this another time to help show what I mean too!
Step one: put your hair in a high ponytail. I put mine on the crown, not too high or this will turn into a dreaded top knot and I will laugh at you. You can make the scalp and smooth or textured as you like. But if your hair is oily, I'd recommend smooth.
Step two: Grab sections of the ponytail and your teasing comb, tease the entire ponytail section by section giving some oomph along the entire pony. by the time you are done. you should have quite a thick pony.
Step three: Spray your pony to help keep it boofy.
Step four: Lightly twist the pony until it coils back onto your hair like a bun and pin in place. What we are going for here is to try and create a ring shape.
Step five: use bobby pins to pin into place, I like to use them on the outer and point the pins toward the base of the pony. Try to tuck away any bits that are poking out.
Step six: Spray with hairspray again and you're good to go!
I like to add some good dangly earrings to accessorise, then you need very little make up to look quite glam.
I'll add some pics to this another time to help show what I mean too!
Birdette's fave bad hair day solution.
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Monday, 7 November 2011
I was hoping, just hoping, that maybe this summer would be the one where I could leave the house without being assaulted by things like 14 year olds in denim better described as knickers. It is amazing how an extra few inches of fabric can mean the difference between looking like a future porn star and a cutie. Please please understand girls, the only time it is ever OK to show off the underside of your ass in public, is when you are going to be swimming! Otherwise you are just a target for creepy old men.
14 year old guys don't know where to look. and the ones who are checking you out I'd be worried about anyway. So just cover it up. Give yourself some dignaty, and stop your dad from having a heart attack and buying a shotgun to scare off creepy older guys!
I was hoping, just hoping, that maybe this summer would be the one where I could leave the house without being assaulted by things like 14 year olds in denim better described as knickers. It is amazing how an extra few inches of fabric can mean the difference between looking like a future porn star and a cutie. Please please understand girls, the only time it is ever OK to show off the underside of your ass in public, is when you are going to be swimming! Otherwise you are just a target for creepy old men.
14 year old guys don't know where to look. and the ones who are checking you out I'd be worried about anyway. So just cover it up. Give yourself some dignaty, and stop your dad from having a heart attack and buying a shotgun to scare off creepy older guys!
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Tip of the Day: How to remove fake tan from your hands!
This is a dilemma at least once for every girl who fakes it (her tan of course!) How to get rid of any pesky and tell tail fake tan stains on the palms of your hands? or anywhere else for that matter? I stumbled across this solution by accident when I was younger and I had a knack for self tanning by myself and did it religiously. One time I forgot to shave my legs beforehand, and I thought I'd be good and use some depilatory cream (you know, the stuff that kind of smells funny but gets rids of hair for twice as long as shaving?) Well. that was stupid, it took off all my fake tan with it too! All that carefully applied perfection, gone. But it did give me an idea ....
So nowadays whenever I get fake tan on my palms, or want a foolproof way of cleaning it off once it's gone all blotchy (only on some parts of my body, like legs and arms and places I don't mind removing hair from as well). I put on the cream as a last ditch effort.
The reason why it should be a last resort is because a lot of depilatory creams advise you not to use it on places like your face, hands and genitals (lol). They use a kind of acid that breaks down the hair, and most of the time the top layer of your skin (good for exfoliation!) So if you do use it on your hands, only put it on for a minute or so, and DO NOT use it on your face in case you either have a reaction as the skin on your face is much more sensitive, or lose your eyebrows!
The other thing about it, is that it does leave a strong line where it has been. That is another good reason to go a minute at a time, so you can sort of blend it but doing a smaller patch the second time.
Also, please please please, do a patch test before using any kind of depilatory cream because your hands, though hardy on the palms, are not somewhere you want a rash! Try leaving a little bit on the back of your arm, just near your elbow for the recommended time to see if there will be any problems.
Products I like? I have been loving the hydro restore range by Veet, as it comes in a big pump bottle that lasts ages and moisturisers your skin as it goes. Grab the sensitive type if you're worried about how you will react.
So nowadays whenever I get fake tan on my palms, or want a foolproof way of cleaning it off once it's gone all blotchy (only on some parts of my body, like legs and arms and places I don't mind removing hair from as well). I put on the cream as a last ditch effort.
The reason why it should be a last resort is because a lot of depilatory creams advise you not to use it on places like your face, hands and genitals (lol). They use a kind of acid that breaks down the hair, and most of the time the top layer of your skin (good for exfoliation!) So if you do use it on your hands, only put it on for a minute or so, and DO NOT use it on your face in case you either have a reaction as the skin on your face is much more sensitive, or lose your eyebrows!
The other thing about it, is that it does leave a strong line where it has been. That is another good reason to go a minute at a time, so you can sort of blend it but doing a smaller patch the second time.
Also, please please please, do a patch test before using any kind of depilatory cream because your hands, though hardy on the palms, are not somewhere you want a rash! Try leaving a little bit on the back of your arm, just near your elbow for the recommended time to see if there will be any problems.
Products I like? I have been loving the hydro restore range by Veet, as it comes in a big pump bottle that lasts ages and moisturisers your skin as it goes. Grab the sensitive type if you're worried about how you will react.
Veet Hair Removal Cream Pump
Tip of the Day: How to remove fake tan from your hands!
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fix it,
Tip of the day
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Bought! Dylan Shoes by Mimco
Mimco don't just do bags! This was something I learnt earlier this year, and yes I still think that too many girls are walking around with their button bags for me too want to buy one. so I've gone for the shoes today!
After umming and ahhing over them while I had my hair done today I ended up walking back to the store and buying them as my 'congrats on your pseudo work promotion this week!' gift to myself. Partially because work is where I shall wear them the most. I love a good pair of sandals and hope these will last me more then a few years! The heel isn't really a heel but still gives me a little bit of elevation while being comfy enough to run between desks and floors for 8 hours. The hardware is silver and I am very fond of the mirror heel too!
The ladies at the store were also lovely enough to point out that I should cover the mirror up while I spray any waterproofing spray on them. good tip!
After umming and ahhing over them while I had my hair done today I ended up walking back to the store and buying them as my 'congrats on your pseudo work promotion this week!' gift to myself. Partially because work is where I shall wear them the most. I love a good pair of sandals and hope these will last me more then a few years! The heel isn't really a heel but still gives me a little bit of elevation while being comfy enough to run between desks and floors for 8 hours. The hardware is silver and I am very fond of the mirror heel too!
The ladies at the store were also lovely enough to point out that I should cover the mirror up while I spray any waterproofing spray on them. good tip!
Dylan Midi Heel Sandal by Mimco.
Bought! Dylan Shoes by Mimco
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Friday, 4 November 2011
Bought! T2 Turkish Ice tea blends.
I fell in love with home brewed ice tea last summer and have dug out my ice tea jug for the coming warmer months. So today I bought the proper Turkish apple and Turkish Cherry Blends, they smell divine and I can't wait to taste them, I have the Cherry cooling in my fridge as I type.
T2 is also a great place to go and buy Christmas presents, if you have an idea about the tea that someone you love drinks, go and buy them some special blends, the staff are very kind and helpful and you can also grab the brochure that goes through all of the types.
T2 is also a great place to go and buy Christmas presents, if you have an idea about the tea that someone you love drinks, go and buy them some special blends, the staff are very kind and helpful and you can also grab the brochure that goes through all of the types.
T2 Turkish Apple and Turkish Cherry Iced teas
Bought! T2 Turkish Ice tea blends.
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Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Tip of the day: How often should I change my razor?
When I was younger, I used to go weeks without changing my blades. Purely from not knowing any better, it could still do the job right with a little extra effort and going over the same area a few more times? I had no idea how bad it was for my skin. Razors are expensive little suckers after all.
I now know to change mine around once a week. I probably use them 5 or so times a week to do legs and underarms during summer. But I change them less often in winter accordingly. I do not like to become a she beast and like to be smooth for my boy but I still just can't justify shaving most days when my legs will be hidden under tights and jeans!
A tip to keep your blades sharper for longer though? Good old oil. Use a shaving oil when you use your razor and once you have cleaned your razor after use, give the blades a good dip in a jar of olive oil put aside especially for this task. You see, water causes blades to rust and blunt, while oil keeps them in good condition for longer. Just make sure you give the razor a good rinse before using again or you'll end up pretty greasy.
I now know to change mine around once a week. I probably use them 5 or so times a week to do legs and underarms during summer. But I change them less often in winter accordingly. I do not like to become a she beast and like to be smooth for my boy but I still just can't justify shaving most days when my legs will be hidden under tights and jeans!
A tip to keep your blades sharper for longer though? Good old oil. Use a shaving oil when you use your razor and once you have cleaned your razor after use, give the blades a good dip in a jar of olive oil put aside especially for this task. You see, water causes blades to rust and blunt, while oil keeps them in good condition for longer. Just make sure you give the razor a good rinse before using again or you'll end up pretty greasy.
Tip of the day: How often should I change my razor?
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Tip of the day
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Trouble blending foundation? Try a sponge.
I, like so many other girls my age have had it drilled into me that the best way to apply liquid foundation is with your fingertips. The heat from your hands helps the product spread over your face more evenly and creates the best base. But I found a way to one up it and make it look a lot more like skin, and not covered up skin.
I received a make-up sponge in a goodie bag not long ago and thought nothing of it, but gave it a go just to smooth over my foundation once I had applied it with my fingers. Perfection, it helped hide my pores perfectly and blended my make-up edges in a way I could just never achieve with my fingers.
So what I like to do nowadays is squirt some liquid foundation on the back of my hands, to heat it up a little, then dab a sponge in it and blend onto my face, starting at my nose and working outwards. I find this is the best way to keep it looking natural.
If you start to use a sponge, just make sure you wash it frequently. I like to clean mine with a make-up remover and rinsing very thoroughly.
I received a make-up sponge in a goodie bag not long ago and thought nothing of it, but gave it a go just to smooth over my foundation once I had applied it with my fingers. Perfection, it helped hide my pores perfectly and blended my make-up edges in a way I could just never achieve with my fingers.
So what I like to do nowadays is squirt some liquid foundation on the back of my hands, to heat it up a little, then dab a sponge in it and blend onto my face, starting at my nose and working outwards. I find this is the best way to keep it looking natural.
If you start to use a sponge, just make sure you wash it frequently. I like to clean mine with a make-up remover and rinsing very thoroughly.
Bonus tip: Get one without sharp corners for no streaks
Trouble blending foundation? Try a sponge.
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