A quick trick for making your legs appear longer and slimmer is an oldie but a goody, and the more (Fake) tanned your legs are the better the effect will be.
Take one shimmery high lightening make up product. The best for this is some sort of stick, but you can also use liquids or even a nude shimmery eye-shadow if you're in a bind. Try to find one that is paler then the skin on your legs for the best effect, silver for pale legs, gold for tanned, and champagne will go with a lot of in between. The next thing you want to do is locate your shin bone down the front of your calves, it's pretty much dead centre, from kneecap to ankle. Swipe your product down the bone and then blend from side to side until there are no tell tale lines.
How this works, is a lot like those optical illusion dresses with darker panels down the sides, by placing a subtle lighter stripe down the centre of your legs, you are creating an optic trick that will fool onlookers into thinking your legs are incredible.
Isn't science fun?
Source: Digitally Refreshing