Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Loving this week: Lip Smackers Soda-Pop Caps.

So put up your hands if you didn't have a Bonne Belle Lip Smackers tube (or 7!) rolling around in your back pack and pencil case when you were at school? I'm guessing there aren't many hands that aren't in the air, everyone had them! And they were awesome, a nice little prelude into make-up, and a sign of things to come for those of us now who consider it a way of life.
I've never really grown out of having them in my bag, and have loved the soft drink incarnations since I first discovered them. Check this out!

Epic! Lip balm in bottle cap packaging, I'm hoping like hell that they've released the Dr. Pepper one in Australia, though I'm yet to see it.

What was your favourite lip smackers flavour?

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Bought! Cushions by Pulp Kitchen

So I may have a soft spot for novelty cushions, but why not? Not only do they make your couch cozy but they're great to throw at my friend's kids when they come over and find I have no toys! (child free homes tend not to, but a three year old doesn't seem to understand that...)
That aside I actually bought the Valium cushion for the boyfriend. When he's in pain for some unknown reason *coughhangovercough* he'll usually want to sleep it off on the couch and just complain that he's not hungover, just tired. So here hun! Take the Valium and have a sleep*!
The Toast cushion was for me, and I'm hoping it doesn't make me hungry every time I see it! But how could I say no to that face?? These cushions are seriously comfy too, and for those that want a breakfast theme I also spotted a pancake stack!
These cushions would also look cute as sitting on your bed, and even the kitties have taken to snuggling up to them ... provided we stop rolling the Valium cushion along the floor at them.

Has anyone else shopped with Pulp kitchen before? What did you get?

*Ha, just to cover myself, Birdette doesn't recommend taking Valium unless it's been prescribed by your doctor!

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Tip of the day: Quick fix for a bad neckline

Fashion Math time! There's always a dress on the rack that you adore and everything works on it for you, except the neckline. High necklines only ever seem to flatter those with a smaller bust because when a larger bust wears it, it can make you look ... well large. Meanwhile the opposite can be said as well, a low cut neckline on a small frame has made some of the girls I've seen out there look like a chicken wing. (Perhaps I was hungry at the time?)
Either way, there is a quick fix to this that doesn't involve a tailor. Grab some statement necklaces!
The big chunky bib styles that have been fashionable recently are amazing for this. In effect they create a new line for the eye and cut through that massive expanse of either skin or fabric, the bigger and bolder the necklace, the better job it does.
So next time you're trying on a dress with a neckline you would normally discard, think of what you already have (or could pick up cheaply) to try this trick with!

What other tricks do you use to make an otherwise unflattering style work? I'd love to know!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Jersey Pencil Tube Skirts

My new summer saviour. Pencil skirts are coming back into fashion with the trend turning back the clocks to a time where dressing like a lady was at its peak. How glam!
Pencil skirts have always been an office staple and I love them for it, but recently I've gone toward jersey tube styles. I never used to wear them out of the fear they would show every flaw and bump but I've been pleasantly surprised at how flattering they are, in a medium weight fabric and dark colour they are pure bliss!
If you're still wary, try and look for details like ruching to flatter and show off the good while hiding the bad, this skirt by ASOS is a perfect example.

You can also tie them in nicely with the panelling trend, check out this gorgeous skirt by Malene Birger, the dark side panels will slim down your figure brilliantly, optical illusions are epic.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Incoming: Bag on Bag trend

This was a trend I noticed emerging a little while ago but now that I've seen some more sites putting their weight behind it, I have more confidence in it. Twinset bags are not entirely crazy so much as it's actually quite useful. A lot of women I see about the city tote two bags around, albeit one of them is often either the large shopping bag of somewhere prestigious and not in Brisbane, (Harrods and Topshop anyone?) and the other is their handbag. Why can't the two of them match for a more chic look?
I'm not so much a fan of the two bags in the same style just in different sizes. I think if you get the smaller one that is certainly a handbag and put it with a larger tote style bag you're onto a winner. Look for the same fabric across two different styles for an easy way to do it. Check out my finds!

Matt & Nat do it with Fuchsia
More ideas after the jump!

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